Now place yourself in her shoes, how would you feel?
I know how I feel. I will feel betrayed. I will feel that I don't have the support to do my work well because my superior stabbed me at my back. I will feel helpless. And the pathetic thing about this situation was, she was the trusted ally of her superior in executing the field work. She described the situation clearly that it was like she were standing right in front protecting the company's purpose. But when she turned her back and returned to her quarter, she was being shot right on her face.
Now as a person who got all the information at hand what do you think I should tell them? Because they asked me how they should tell the customer. In one part I know there is a broken heart to mend and in another part there is a (customer) promise to keep. Both are important. And both have humanly consequence. Both are matters of honor. And the heart wrenched situation for me was I know her superior too. How can I help to peace her mind, to solve the situation without trying to be a detractor to her superior or a meddler or instigator to each of them. They are all my friends both the superior and them.
Professionalism in Question
In such situation, because it is a work problem, usually people will rely on professionalism. What is professional? As define it:
1. following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain: a professional builder.
2. of, pertaining to, or connected with a profession: professional studies.
3. appropriate to a profession: professional objectivity.
4. engaged in one of the learned professions: A lawyer is a professional person.
5. following as a business an occupation ordinarily engaged in as a pastime: a professional golfer.
6. making a business or constant practice of something not properly to be regarded as a business: "A salesman," he said, "is a professional optimist."
7. undertaken or engaged in as a means of livelihood or for gain: professional baseball.
8. of or for a professional person or his or her place of business or work: a professional apartment; professional equipment.
9. done by a professional; expert: professional car repairs.
10. a person who belongs to one of the professions, esp. one of the learned professions.
11. a person who earns a living in a sport or other occupation frequently engaged in by amateurs: a golf professional.
12. an expert player, as of golf or tennis, serving as a teacher, consultant, performer, or contestant; pro.
13. a person who is expert at his or her work: You can tell by her comments that this editor is a real professional.
So what did I do? I listened to their complaints and was emphatic to their pain and in between reminded them of the core values that should be there to help them to relate when facing the similar situation again in the future. And I know that just by listening to their story, I had helped them to ease the hurt they felt thus made them see the situation clearly to respond professionally in the unprofessional situation.
What is the core values that had been engaged here? Looking at the whole situation, I think there are several core values engaged here. Loyalty against betrayal. Honesty against hypocrisy. Professionalism against personal justice. Leadership against cowardice. Trust against yes-man.
And I don't have to tell them what is right and what is wrong. Because they already know and everybody knows. But knowing isn't always followed by practice. Because to put all together into practice require wisdom. And wisdom is not about knowledge. It is about practicality action that is heart-driven not a mind-driven. Action from the heart is reflected in the action that held fast to the principle core values. And the main purpose of heart-driven action called virtue is to keep humanity in peace and harmony whether it is one individual or many individuals doesn't matter. The immediate response sometimes isn't always acceptable to some people. Because some people may only have short sighted perspective in looking into things and some other may have far sighted perspective. It is up to the decision maker to tell the background way of thinking to the one with short sighted in making peace with them.
If professionalism is to be questioned, isn't it unprofessional reason that was given that caused the feeling of betrayed arise? Because my understanding of anyone entitled to be the leader should take full responsible of their word and action based on their own judgment instead of taking someone else to be the black sheep of their different decision especially when the authority to make decision is at their hand. Maybe some people have different opinion about this, I don't know. But my question to them will be: what is the sign of sincerity and chivalry then?
They know they have to move on and forget that episode of work life. But whether they realize it or not, the hurt had left its mark in the heart. Something needs to be strengthen in such situation. A lesson to learn to differ who is true friend and who isn't.
Functionality in Question
I remembered the situation in my previous work. I was in the state of dispirited at work because I felt the environment was not in my favor to thrive any better. I had no support from my superior. I was stuck and no longer could learn anything new to broaden my perspective. I was left alone to deal with my work problem. As I looked back to that time, I realized that having all the feeling I felt at that time, I was prepared to be dead for them and alive to something new. I was to be dead to them, so when farewell happened I didn't feel sorry for my self nor for leaving my friends. I looked forward to the fertile ground that would help me to flourish and grow even more.
And I don't know why I feel this hunch again. The same feeling happened again to me yesterday. It started with an email from my staff asking about a meeting plan with regional chapter when preparation hadn't been made yet. As norm procedure, I consulted my superior if the plan was to be firmed up and changed into reality before I go with detail project management. What I needed was a YES or NO answer. Instead I got a confusing short answer that I was to check with my staff. I was dumb struck. What is this? Don't i mean anything anymore? Because if he told me to check with my staff and my staff asked me about it, the two can do it right away without I am in the middle. I was hurt because I perceived that short sentence as an insult to my sense of responsible. I felt like resign myself from the work right away. Swallowing the annoyed feeling, I answered my staff with general guideline and question to check on the detail event schedule and accommodation.
All these experience come down to the question of Where do you rest yourself?
The Unshakable Ground
If I weren't blessed with Self Knowledge, I know I would be dispirited, crying or disappointed like my two friends in receiving such situation. As a human being I know how it feels when we are not appreciated, not having a support from the one you respected or loved. That instead of support or appreciation you received an insult in the most unexpected time of your life. It's like being shot right through your heart.
Some people may take a long time to manage the feeling and all that is needed to harness back what they left in them called self dignity. I'm blessed with Self Knowledge - thanks to my master who taught me that - it helped me to clear the rubbish from my mind and bring out clarity from my heart.
With that clarity I don't have to tell my self, but I know with certainty the value of myself. That to them I may not be worthy but to my Lord I'm worthy. With the song of gratitude that I sing to Him inside I become a worthy human being. With the appreciation dance that I perform to the rhythm of life that He breathes through me, I become a precious human being. I may not be good and worthy to anyone else, but the fact that I am alive and given so much is a sign that I am good and worthy enough for Him.
And because I'm not a selfish person, I know I also need to prepare others before my departure. So that when I'm not there, they know what they have to do, things that used to be my work. Because there is no two alike, I may be irreplaceable, but I can always share what I have and know with them. My sincere hope that when I'm not around they have someone better than me to do the work. Hopefully when the farewell is happening, they are as prepared as I am.
So I do have an unshakable ground. Because I rest myself the glorious, the benevolence, the greatness, the merciful of my great Lord.
Hasbunallohu wa ni'mal wakiil.