Rabu, 20 November 2013


Garis start marathon
selalu dengan sejumlah besar peserta 
Baru-baru ini di Jakarta telah dilaksanakan acara berskala internasional yaitu lomba lari Marathon 10K. Meski acara tersebut diikuti oleh 35 ribu peserta dengan mayoritas warga Indonesia, pemenang 1, 2, dan 3 akhirnya dimenangkan oleh pelari Kenya. Ada peserta dari Indonesia yang meninggal dunia saat mengikuti lomba itu karena terkena serangan jantung. Lari marathon memang berbeda dengan sprinter atau lari jarak pendek 100 meter. Lari marathon butuh stamina lebih tinggi untuk menempuh jarak 100 kali lipat. Selain itu juga diperlukan semangat yang teguh atau bahasa tasawufnya istiqomah agar bisa sampai ke garis finish dengan selamat meski tidak harus menjadi juara.

Minggu, 10 November 2013


What is reconnection meant to you?
Are you telling me your freedom?
Am I tolerable now?
Is it new beginning for us?

Without word you reached out.
And once again something shaken
Like a seed in the desert
welcoming rain drops

Oh but wait!
The  cautious mind screamed.
Yet the heart contently accepted.
Embracing the moment as it came.

The past seemed a long time ago.
As we'd been in the wrong end
By your choice not mine
That now seemed meaningful

Your wish was acceptable
Your silence was understandable
Yet the feeling was undeniable
And your return was unthinkable

Here now, I am in hesitant
The serenity joy I feel
The unspeakable longing to reach out
I have to keep them all within

Clear is my wish
Come when you're fre
For my conscience blinded me
And my modesty bonded me

Divine is this love
Eternity iis for me to pursue
Pure is this love
Sincerity is my only virtue

O love, tell me yours
As you reconnect
Am I in your dream,
Just like you're in mine?

Jumat, 08 November 2013

Stories of Life

My Story of Theirs

The moment I could read, there was no stopping of me in reading books especially stories. Some books that I liked when I was in primary school were local folklores, HC Anderson comics, Disney cartoon stories, Nina series, lima sekawan (the Famous Five), Tujuh Serangkai (The Seven Secret) and Si Badung (The Naughtiest Girl) of Enid Blyton, Trio Detective (Three Detectives) of Alfred Hitchcock. I borrowed them from my friend and school library.