Sekitar bulan Desember tepatnya tgl 25 Desember, beberapa orang yang mempunyai kerabat, sahabat dan teman Nasrani mungkin mengalami kebingungan dalam bersikap untuk mengucapkan "Selamat Natal". Ini terjadi karena ada sebagian ulama yang mengharamkan pemberian ucapan itu dan ada sebagian kecil yang membolehkan termasuk diantaranya adalah alm. Gus Dur (Abdul Rahman Wachid) salah seorang presiden negeri ini. Gus Dur merupakan figur ulama moderat sekaligus negarawan yang membantu negeri ini menuju pada kehidupan beragama yang bebas dengan saling menghormati keyakinan masing-masing. Salah satu jasanya adalah memasukkan agama KongHuCu menjadi bagian dari agama yang diakui di Indonesia. Sebelumnya, para penganut Nabi KongHuCu utamanya dari kalangan orang-orang China hanya bisa mencantumkan salah satu dari lima pilihan agama yang ada yaitu Islam, Kristen Protestan, Kristen Katholic, Budha dan Hindu.
Upaya merangkai mutiara-mutiara kehidupan dan kejadian diri menjadi untaian bunga rampai kebijaksanaan sebagai sembah dan puja bagi Penguasa Semesta
Selasa, 24 Desember 2013
Jumat, 13 Desember 2013
A Love So Free
Three momths ago, I had information that one of my acquaintances was about to get married next week. I thought they had, until my friends told me about the upcoming wedding ceremony. I had met the couple before and it seemed to me everything was alright with them even I knew they also had their problems. And one evening my friend told me that he had a message from his soon-to-be-married-friend, a short message "Is there any rope?". As he read the message to me, I didn't get the meaning of it. So I asked him what he meant by that. He said that he felt like hanging himself. I was quite surprised but then since he wasn't so worry about him, I thought that he must be joking with his short message.
Kamis, 05 Desember 2013
Freeing The Self From The Past
Proper treatment is needed to rest the past in peace |
I was told that I was holding on to the past and that I was trying to be self righteous in the letter I wrote to my friend. That I didn't have humility and wisdom in the way I wrote it. I was sad with such accusation as well as confused by the statement.
He probably thought that I blamed him by bringing up the past. I didn't. I merely stated that his innocence respond was in a way had left a mark and I need his help to make it right. Because in his sight I was wrong and I needed him to show me what's right and at the same time help me to see that I am accepted instead of being casted out as what I thought I had been treated.
This had me thinking about how people freeing themselves from their past.
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