Q: Bisa bantu gak menjelaskan penggunaan kata corporate dan company mungkin bisa dikasih contoh penggunaannya.kalau saya ingin meletakkan dalam kata"Company development consultant atau corporate development consultant apa bedanya?
A: Please see below information on the three words from freedictionary.com :
Corporate - company - corporation.
cor·po·rate (kôrpr-t, kôrprt)adj.
1. Formed into a corporation; incorporated: the corporate companies of industrial America.
2. Of or relating to a corporation: corporate assets; corporate culture.
3. United or combined into one body; collective: made a corporate effort to finish the job.
4. Of or relating to a corporative government or political system.
company [ˈkʌmpənɪ]n pl -nies
1. a number of people gathered together; assembly
2. the fact of being with someone; companionship I enjoy her company
3. a social visitor or visitors; guest or guests
4. (Business / Commerce) a business enterprise
5. (Business / Commerce) the members of an enterprise not specifically mentioned in the enterprise's title Abbreviations Co. co
6. (Performing Arts / Theatre) a group of actors, usually including business and technical personnel
7. (Military) a unit of around 100 troops, usually comprising two or more platoons
8. (Transport / Nautical Terms) the officers and crew of a ship
9. (Non-sporting Hobbies / Other Non-sporting Hobbies) a unit of Girl Guides
10. (Historical Terms) English history a medieval guild
cor·po·ra·tion (kôrp-rshn)n.
1. A body that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate legal entity having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its members.
2. Such a body created for purposes of government. Also called body corporate.
3. A group of people combined into or acting as one body.
4. Informal A protruding abdominal region; a potbelly.
Corporate adalah kata sifat yang terkait dengan suatu corporation / perusahaan.
Company dan corporation adalah kata benda.
Kalau dari definisi di atas:
Company lebih pada perusahaan secara umum (lihat definisi no. 4). Bisa perusahaan keluarga, usaha bersama baik yang terbuka maupun tertutup.
Corporation lebih dekat dengan sejenis perseroan terbatas (PT) yang membedakan hak dan tanggung jawab pemegang saham dengan perusahaan (lihat definisi no 1).
Dalam pilihan contoh frasa:
Company development consultant atau corporate development consultant
Bisa jadi keduanya benar.
Company development consultant means consultant for the development of the (particular) company.
Corporate development consultant means consultant on corporate development matters (can be any corporation)
COMPANY adalah PERUSAHAAN dan sedangkan COPERATE ialah yg berhubungan dgn BADAN HUKUM. Jadi, jika COPERATE COMPANY yakni PERUSAHAAN yg memiliki BADAN HUKUM.