But this time, a bit different. And I need to tell you the background story why I let myself go to Bali even physically unfitted to make journey.
The other reason
When I just started working after arrived from traveling in Middle of Kalimantan, I had a small talk with the director of the factory I'm working. He told me about the situation in Bali showroom. I knew a little about the girl - the showroom staff that was possessed by a spirit and the situation there. But he told me more. Because after once being possessed, there were several other similar condition with some information of the unseen world were transmitted by the girl. His conclusion was that the girl is a psychic and that the showroom was under attack using a black magic by someone likely a business competitor.
Talisman isn't about superstition, it's about understanding heaven, earth and humanity |
Knowing the whole situation, I knew I had to go though previously I had refused my other boss (from social work) to have a meeting in another town that had me to make another journey just after I arrived from traveling. So here I'm now in Bali with another reason that get me working with my right brain beside the tangible work of my left brain. And I can't help myself but smiling. Because previously when I was in Kalimantan, my spiritual teacher had made a remark that the organizational committee should also be able to help people when they're possessed by spirit (actually it is from genie) and I responded cheerfully that I would just leave that to men whilst I focused on the leadership and organizational system that is more (again) likable to my left brain. It seems that now is an opportunity presented to me to utilize more of my right brain to help people.
And how do I feel? In one side I feel uncertain what to do but in the other side I feel I'll be alright knowing that I will be guided. Or instead of feel I better use the word think to tell that it's my left brain that is uncertain on how to do it not my heart.
And there was one staff - a man who previously had almost been possessed, he'd shown some illness and told being attacked in his sleep. I knew I had to do something for him because one who had been possessed there's a chance to be possessed again if they didn't know how to close 'the door' into their inner body.
So the other night when the staff and I recited prayer together as we did the same in the showroom several nights before, I prepared water for him to drink to draw away the unseen spirit that still trying to hold on to him and made talisman for him from quranic verses. Does it work? Insha Allah, for I don't relate to myself for the talisman to work. I rest it to the greatness of The Truth.
An unseen world
How do we conquer them in real life? |
My encounter with them is mostly done through 'sleeping' state. Like the room I occupy, I know they occupy it as well long before I'm there. That's what people there told me about 'the ghost' in the room. First time, they introduced themselves to me when I was in the state between sleeping and awake. I felt that some children were playing on top of my bed. How did I feel at that time? Well, I told them - by heart of course that 'Ok, now I know you. Be nice and let's just live in peace.'. Since then I didn't get the jumping over my bed anymore hehehe... And the other time, the bigger and stronger one tried to overtake me in my sleeping. Inwardly I invoked the prayer while trying to fight back, I could free the grip over me. And I have no problem from them anymore. Though my friend when he visited the house and stayed in my room whilst I was away told me that he was being 'attacked' as well in his sleep. But knowing him, I know he could free himself.
To us they introduce themselves in different appearances; in the form of animals, like scorpion or snakes, in the form of wind, sound or fire. They're the one that most people see as ghost or some other called as spirits. And since they're unseen, the way people communicate with them either using medium that is human body when they're being possessed. And to the one who have the ability to see them as we called an indigo person, they can talk directly with them. This talking directly can also be learned through spiritual refinement called inner work. I mean I know my teacher can do that after he'd been taught how to do it. This talking with the unseen world remind me of a suspense movie under the title The Sixth Sense.
Between the real and unreal
Some mental disorder as in psychological term in my opinion can happen because of seeing the unseen world when their mentality or spiritual foundation isn't strong enough so that they don't have the ability to overcome it and become excessively in fear on something that we think as unreal but to them is very real.
What is our reality? |
This then lead us to the question of what is real and what is unreal.
Here is where the term reality can shift from one definition to another definition depend on the reference that we use to define it. Because from my perspective as I've experienced it, I can define two different situation based on the level of spiritual awareness of the person itself. As I previously mention about three different vehicles to explain about spiritual awareness, to differentiate the real from the unreal is quite different to each level.
Those whose awareness is in the lower level, the reality to them is whatever that they can see and touch and hear and comprehend with their senses. For them dream is just a dream not a reality. The ghost is unreal just like any horror movies though many of them afraid of being alone or stay alone in so called haunted house.
And the next one is one that is aware of the unseen world of genie. To them both worlds that can be seen by these eyes as well as the other 'eyes' are real. Because both are real, they can work with the two worlds.
How about the unseen world of the angels and devils? I'm not about to tell my opinion here. It's too personal that it is better for me to keep it to myself.
To the higher state of consciousness the two worlds are unreal. Because to the higher level the only reality is the Truth. Yet, to be able to overcome them they need to have more understanding about the Truth as the ultimate reality. Because those who involve more to the reality of the unseen world, sooner or later will be enslaved by whatever enticement they get from the unseen world. It's like getting lost in the unseen world. Their body may be in this world but their mind is in somewhere else.
The truth is the Truth |
And for me personally as the Truth seeker in facing the all the trouble or attack from the unseen world, I want to take the example given by the great prophet Muhammad SAW when he was sick from the spell of Jews magician Labid ibn A'shom till he was given the revelation on how to break the spell through the archangel Gabriel. Or I can follow the example given by prophet Ibrahim AS when he was on fire and the archangel Gabriel asked him AS what he could do to help him. And he responded, 'No, I'm alright. Let the wills of Allah happen upon me.' Both showed their trust to the Truth regardless the situation they faced. I choose this attitude because even up to now, I still can't figure out how to deal with the unseen. And to the unknown I rest my protection and safety to the greatness of Allah, the Ever Living Truth.
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