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Let's discuss social issue and have some fun |
This weekend I went on a journalism training held by Al Falah Islamic Course (FIS) owned by Zamrony and his wife Ida. Both are English teachers though one came from teaching faculty and the other from literature faculty. The training was delivered by a team of four dedicated men Daniel Stephanus, Tri Anom, Taufik and Dwika and photographed by Hari. FIS is actually an English course in Siwalan village, Sidoarjo. I thanked them and my friend Nineng for allowing me to come for the program as an observer. I know their reason to invite me is to encourage me to take over the decision in executing the program that we had planned last year.
To give you a background story how I got to know these four dedicated men was an event that I supported last year. My friend and I had wished to do a training program and we decided to do basic writing course for IMQ students. Though I couldn't attend the program because I was on work assignment in Bali for a month, the course was successfully held. The respond and the report given was very pleasing. Both the trainers and the students were happy and look forward to have more.
Responding to their wish, we tried to outline a follow-up program with the output plan was on the history of organization within Shiddiqiyyah community. As the first enthusiasm was welcomed by the chairman of the institution, the planned was hijacked by some teachers who underestimated their students' persistence in keeping the enthusiasm and passion to learn. What a shame!
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Teaching under the rain - such is the passion to share |
Secondly, I was reminded to my buried and forgotten wish I had long ago, a passion I always have on natural education. Not to mention the inspirational books collection in the owner's private library where we stayed for a night. I found my heaven among these people with their passion on education both the students and the teachers. I feel at home. During the break while we rest and talked, I told one of the trainer, that when I retired from organizational activity, I wanted to be a farmer. Because a farmer is about planting a seed. And education is also about planting the seed; the seed of knowledge. I want to be the hands, the feet and the mouth in which God delivered His Knowledge to mankind. And being a farmer is not an easy task. It doesn't seem to be in my blood. But there's something else about it that will teach me to work with Nature, to understand its behavior, to take wisdom from natural flow of things and to be one with the energy that move them in such a beautiful and magnificence orchestra.
My friend told me that I would be a good teacher in such environment. She said so because she knew I had done some teaching in the past as well as having my own tutorial club before I take my existing work now. However I know that I'm not that good. I have no background on formal teaching course to prepare a proper lesson plan. I have my teaching materials but I don't know how to make formal lesson plan like any school teacher should be. By God's grace, while I was there, I found a book with an article about preparing a lesson plan. So I took note on the principle method. I may need it one day.
The Universe supports |
As I read through the book I then found connection to the thought that came to me after I did my Friday prayer in the morning before I went for this weekend trip. All of the sudden I was reminded to my buried intention to write book that would put together science and holy scripture especially Qur'an side by side. This thought happened because in the past and I think to some extend till now, the way we learn science has been differentiated from religion as the effect of the past experience in Christian scientists. It creates secular science thus secular scientists. Unfortunately this differentiation to some extend has affected the Islamic community as well. In the other hand Qur'an has clearly stated that " Allah witnesses that there is no deity except Him, and [so do] the angels and those of knowledge - [that He is] maintaining [creation] in justice. There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. " [QS 3:18]
As I didn't know how to start the book, years later I knew Mizan had published science book for children that combined science information with Qur'an verses. It was done by a team of writers and editors. Had my thought been fulfilled? Yes and no. Yes, I'm glad someone had the same thought and worked their way. No, because what came to me after Friday prayer was something more. It was a combination of outer science, inner science and Qur'an verses. And I know it was such a lot of work. Because to do that, I have to do some research on outer science and then seeking inner guidance from My Lord to put the two together, add some wise thought of others great men and find the general conclusion within the Qur'an verses. This great task is in following the verse "And these examples We present to the people, but none will understand them except those of knowledge." [QS 29:43]. So it's really a holistic process in learning from His signs in the Universe that formed Nature's Law and then connect them to our mind to convert them into spiritual education for life.
but none will understand them except those of knowledge [QS 29: 43] |
Will this thought ever become a reality? Hopefully so. I have a life time to prepare it. I have about some topics that I can think of to start the research including their sub-topics, from the sky, the earth, the home, animals, plants and trees to chemistry to lights, to motion and technology and to maths.
So it is going to be a difficult work to do. But I think I just have to write a page at a time to make it real. And it is going to be my third book after the previous two finished. The first is Crossing the Border, the second is Coming Home. You may not find them in any book store, because I don't publish them for some reason. These two book were written in English. But for the third book I think I will write it in Bahasa Indonesia. I'm thinking of giving it's title The Living Science - Sains Kehidupan.
Hey, what about the school I thought about? Hmm.. I have to work hard to have it.
Let's see if the Universe support us.
Let's see if I can make it real and finish it before I'm dead.
Bismillahi tawakkaltu alalloh laa hawla walaa quwwata illa billah
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