I'm glad I was allowed to be part of it. At first, I wasn't mentioned because the main persons mentioned were his assistance called Khalifah. Then as we reported our visit to West Nusa Tenggara, the general chairman asked permission to follow the group and he was allowed. I didn't asked because I thought I was in no position to ask. But then after reporting, I was asked by one of his assistance that was mentioned to join the group whether I would go with the group. I didn't know how to answer though I would love to, so I said Insha Allah. After that I went to my home town to visit my family and fulfilled my promise to meet someone. While I was there I asked permission to join the journey to my boss, the general chairman for I would go in his car, if I was allowed. And I certainly asked permission to my great spiritual teacher through his wife. When they gave their approval I then rushed back to get my self ready for the journey in morning the following day.
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Jaamiatul Mudzakkiriin yarju rohmatalloh, Losari - Ploso, Jombang an expression of Divine Love |
The land-tour took 6 days; we departed on Thursday morning, 1 April 2013 / 30 Jummadil Awwal 1434H and returned on Tuesday afternoon 6 April 2013 / 6 Jummadil Akhir 1434H. We went to 6 different towns around Middle of Java, they're Yogjakarta, Mungkid - Magelang (for a short visit), Semarang, Pekalongan (short visit), Pemalang, Purwokerto (short visit) and Solo.
At his age of 85 years old, he indeed had a very good stamina to do the land-tour for about 1131 kms, in in 6 days, in which we rest every day in 5 different cities. All of them were to visit the land of JM and the students who worked and gathered on sites. In those six days tour, he had visited the 6 different lands of JM in Bantul - Yogjakarta, Mungkid - Magelang, Trimulyo - Semarang, Pekalongan, Cikasur - Pemalang and Baturraden - Purwokerto.
Jaamiatul Mudzakkiriin (JM) is from Arabic, it means a group of people who is doing remembrance (of Allah). In community within Thariqah Shiddiqiyyah, JM is an important building, for it is a building that inside it the teaching of the words of Truth "Laa ilaaha illa Alloh" (there is no gods but Allah) is being taught. So for us, in comparison to the other buildings that people are built, it is the most valuable building in the sight of Allah.
Now, people may question why we don't build mosques like any other Muslims. Well, we also build mosques and named them Baitush Shiddiqiin (the house of trustworthy people) but JM is unique. For any people can enter Baitush Shiddiqiin to pray, but not JM. Only those who is going to take the teaching can enter it.
Taj Mahal, India an expression of humanly love |
So I could say that this trip was another kind of pilgrimage because the intention was very clear. We went from one city to another city not for the sake of traveling. Practically we stayed a night in hotel and continued the journey in the morning. Some local students had waited for the group on the site and after short opening and reported from the local project manager, he then delivered his mauidhoh hasanah (the good reminder) on the importance of JM. Using my mobile, I took notes on his speech and shared the messages in community groups discussion in the internet.
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