Yesterday, my colleague came to my office while I was in the middle of noon prayer. She asked ome of the staff about the text message she received from the boss. It was an answer to her question sent to her mobile whether the company was going to have new year holiday or not. And the answer was "Go ahead, just have your holiday." in bahasa Indonesia of course. In receiving the message, she found it pretty confusing. So she tried to get second opinion (actually not just a second, but third, forth and fifth opinion of others since she showed the message to some other as well) whether it was a genuine 'yes' or a sham of 'no' answer.
I found this situation quite intriguing. Because for me it is quite simple. It is a yes answer, but to her it could have double meanings. A yes as it was genuinely written or a no with some scheming planned behind the yes answer, like some action of fatale femme in ensnaring her victim I watched the other night.
Pre-requisition in Interpreting Message
Many people when receiving message could make their interpretation. And their interpretation are usually based on their knowledge about the things that followed the message, their understanding on rhe other person / thing as the source of the information delivered and the purpose of the message - what they want to do with the information / message they receive.
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Know their language before communicate. |
When we can see them and they can't see us, definitely very difficult to communicate. But we can still use our hands to communicate through direct touching. I had ever read a novel (can't remember if it was based on true story or not) about a therapist who tried to communicate with her student who was blind and deaf. She used hand touching to communicate with her.
So knowing the language is important before we can interpret the message. However, just knowing the language doesn't always mean that the message is understood, like the above case. There is another requirement that we need to have to imterpret rhe message corretly. And that other matter is understanding the source of the message. It could be that the message was received after the third, fourth, fifth and so on line. As long as the message remain intact - because it had been written and unaltered, then it shouldnot be a problem. It will only become a problem when there is alteration in between. Even in such situation, as long as we know the original source of the message, any alteration can be corrected and make it right after there was some shifting in it. By refering to the original source we can ensure that the wrong can be corrected to its originality.
After the first and the second requirement are fulfilled, then come the interpretion of what to do with the information. Information will be just information if we don't know what we have to do with it. It is what differentiate between the wise and the learned. Nowadays, we have so many learned people with the schools are almost every where, but very few wise people.
So the next thing is to know the purpose of the message delivered. And the purpose of the message isn't determined by the interpreter. It is depended upon the original source of the message. The interpreter will be considered right if their interpretation is in sync with the purpose of the message and considered wrong if the interpretation isn't. In fhe above case, both situation can happen because they had past experience with the boss where she said yes genuinely and she also said a sham yes to trick someone to do something which later caused them to be in bad situation, as their punishment. My colleague found it difficult to interpret was because of that. She didn't want to have the latter after she took it as the former. Her past experience taught her that. It is like so many people do: retaining the bad and letting go the good.
How can we reverse the trend? I will write in another part. Insha Allah.
Disadvantage of Written Message
Of so many ways on how message was delivered, one that can be quite distorting is the written message. My past experiences can be a very valid proof to this. To know more about this, you can read my other article 'How manly I am?' In the above case, it is the same thing. This because there is a limitation in the way letters can represent the message, especially when it is related to feeling. It is a lot easier to have direct interaction - face to face to kmow whether the person is actually angry or love or scheming something behind the letter they wrote.
To turn a tangible object into a written text will be easy. All you have to do is write its specification. I mean it will be like any of technical drawings with all the picture and dimension and material to be used and detail orrnaments along with it. If you don't have the drawing it may be a little longer but it can still be done.
But to turn an abstract object like feeling will take a bit of hard work. You need to identify it precisely so that you won't mistakenly take a love feeling and confuse it with an obsesion or even hatred. If it does, then the description we give which is actually our interpretation can be very misleading. How many problems happened in this world because of this misleading interpretation? How many countries went to war because of this. How many people have lost opportunities to have something in their lives because of this misleading interpretation? One of the misleading information in the economics activity that caused a great loss in US is the Enron Scandal.
Im the above case, this is what happened. The written letter can be read in two tones; one is in loving tone and the other is challenge tone. She may think that she wrote it with latter tone, while I took the former. So I recommended her to call to really get the right message.
Im the above case, this is what happened. The written letter can be read in two tones; one is in loving tone and the other is challenge tone. She may think that she wrote it with latter tone, while I took the former. So I recommended her to call to really get the right message.
The same situation also happened when people make their own imterpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Any Holy Scriptures have been interpreted by their readers. Some are righteously guided and some are misled.
Interpreting Al Quran
The Holy Quran already mentioned about the existence of these two kinds of interpreters. It is as mentioned in surah Ali Imran "It is He who has sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Book; in it are verses [that are] precise - they are the foundation of the Book - and others unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]. And no one knows its [true] interpretation except Allah . But those firm in knowledge say, "We believe in it. All [of it] is from our Lord." And no one will be reminded except those of understanding. " [QS 3: 7]
It is by the grace of Allah that despite of the effort of those with devated heart to misinterpret the Holy Quran, its integrity and originality remain intact. For Allah has promised that "Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian." [QS 15:9]. How He guards its originality by establishing its written texts from the beginning of its revelation. It wasn't by accident that the technology of making paper and ink was invented in China not long after the revelation of Holy Quran. The existence of hafidz / hafidzah as living recorders from the time of prophet Muhammad SAW to nowadays is also another proof.
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Even with these two media to keep the originality of the Quran, the third requirement can still be missed and misled. This is because just because one can read it doesn't mean one can understand its purpose. It could be that they do it for the shake of reading without realizing its truth in their lives and use it as their living guidance. This situation had been informed in the time of its revelation as said "The example of those who disbelieve is like that of one who shouts at what hears nothing but calls and cries cattle or sheep - deaf, dumb and blind, so they do not understand. " [QS 2: 171]. I mean, at that time it wasn't that the disbelievers couldn't read nor memorize the Quran. It was because of their ignorance and their disability to comprehend the meaning, take the messages and use it in living their life, thus they're considered to be disbelievers.
So the third way to keep the Quran to meet its purpose, not just as a book kept in the shelf is by the existence of the pure heart. The pure heart is the mirror that reflects the truth. And Allah is the Truth, Prophet Muhammad SAW is the truth and Quran is the truth and the universe is the truth. The content of the Holy Scripture i.e. Quran is nothing else but the truth written in paper. But to understand the truth of its messages of the past, present and future we need to see it with our pure heart. Then and only then, we can witness the purpose of its revelation as the guidance [QS 27: 1 - 2] and the light [QS 42: 52] truly manifest in our life.
Purity is Essential
Purity is essential especially foe those who is trying to convey the message of Allah written in the Quran for the benefits of human beimg as a whole. Because indeed Quran is revealed not only for those who believe it amongst Arab people. It is revealed as mercy to mankind just like the Prophet Muhammad is sent to mankind. Was he to convert all human being to become Muslim? No. Whether human being take his message or not, it is not his main purpose. His main purpose is to bring news to people both good news and bad news. Because of that his purity as human being also required to meet the purpose.
Very simple. We all need water. We all need air. We all need food. Without them there will be certainty that in near future our body will scream out our needs very loud that all we have to do is just go and fulfill its requirement. And if we keep ignoring it, in very near future we will be sick because of the lack of them. And if we keep on ignoring it, im very neaar future we will meet our end of time in this world; we're dead. And the while, the food is there, the water is there and the air is there. Whether we take it or not, that is ip to us. After all we are the one who has been created in such a way. And by whom? By our Creator. Not by the air, nor water nor food. The same thing with The Prophet Muhammad SAW and The Quran. Their existence is there as the best example as the servant of Our Creator and as guidance. Whether we take their guidance or not, it is up to us.
In its purity, they don't carry any vested-interest in conveying the message. All they wish is the approval from their Lord in fulfilling the task as His messenger and the well-being of the one who the message was intended to. And since Prophet Muhammad SAW is sent down for all mankind, then his message is intended to all mankind. And whether they take the message partially or whole heartedly they will gain something from it. And whether they believe its contenf or disbelieve it, they get benefit from it directly or indirectly. Just like the sun in the sky. In day time when it is there we take benefit by our ability fo sse things clearly and in night time, it still gives its benefit through its light that is fallen on the surface if the moon. In its purity, the sun keeps on shining because it is only following the command of their Lord instead of following the wishes of some men who'd prefer it to follow their absurd wishes.
Retaining the Good
Since purity is essential in understanding any Holy Scriptures in this case is Quran thus it allows us to have a deeper understanding of their Original source. To have that, there is something that we need to bear in our mind and try to have them as our virtues. That is:1. Quran is revealed to mankind as an act of Mercy from our Creator
2. Quran is revealed as guidance in becomimg true human being
3. Quran is revealed as light to allow mankind to see when darkness surround them
4. Quran is revealed as fair judge when mankind in dispute among themselves
5. Quran is revealed as written 'letters' from Our Dearest Creator that both contained the information about Himself, His promises and His warnings
In all, the revelation of Quran is a loving notes from The Most Lovable to His beloved.
Yet, how do we respond to it?
We either run away from it, hate it and abandon it. Or we expect Him to keep His promises yet we fail to keep ours by hoping to be in His paradise but forgeting Him while living this life. Or we expect Him to forget the warnings yet we keep crossing the lines by fearing to be in His hell but indulging our lower self while living this life. Or we take Him as the Most Lovable thus act as a lover that takes whatever His action upon us as His Loving gesture.
I am not goimg to talk aboit the first three types of people. These are the common things that happen in people. In retainimg the good, I am going to talk about the fourth type of person.
The other day I was doing voice recording on Self Knowledge material. The topic was about 'When you are in love'. My teacher said that when we are in love with someone, our mind has different way in responding to things that we receive from our lover. It seemed to be blind from any 'bad' attributes that accompany the person we love. All the memory they kept in their mind is just happy wonderful memory of their togetherness. It will only change when love leaves the heart and hatred occupied its space when the reverse situation happen. What seemed to be good now become bad, unbearable and sickening. The wish for happiness is considered as insult and demeaning.
Now, since our default as human being has affinity towards happiness and an ever lasting relationship, how can we retain the good in our life regardless of the situation we are facing? That in having good time we can accept situation peacefully, and in having bad time we can act in the same way. The answer is in understanding the love to Our Creator and filling our heart with new discoveries of His Loving acts upon us.
Be a Lover of Life, of the Breath and you will be able to retain the good. How does it work? Well, you just have to fall in love to understand it. Get in touch with the loving feeling and it will overwhelm you that all other pain and suffering become insignificant. And joy and gratitude fiils your cups of heart till it overflows that all you want to do is smile and laugh at the beauty of it.
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But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners." [QS 8: 30] |
And then as you look back and see how the story of your life unfolded, you will be amazed of the greatness of Allah, The Lover and The Beloved - The Source of Love, in sending us away from Him and bringing us back to Him. That all the pain and suffering we feel is to call us back to Him, to remind us of the greatness of His Love. That all the scheming that He sets to us is the best scheming ever. Wa maa karu mawakarollohu. Wallohu khoirun maakiriin. "But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners." [QS 8: 30].
Once we understand this, then all the bad turn to good, understanding is there, a light lit up and all is well. That is when good is really good. All that seems bad is apparently and appeared good. And do we know that good is good? It is as taught by Jalaluddin Rumi, the Great Sufi from Konya:
How well written is the Love of Allah to mankind, the chosen one..... for it is written in the Universe and within us.
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