Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

Another kind of pilgrimage (6)

Courtesy to The Creator

Talk about being courteous, it may be common for us to be courteous to other, but what about being courteous to our Creator? Some may find it pretty absurd for the idea of being courteous only applied when they have met or known the other person. And since The Creator is mysterious and placed so high above in Heaven, some may think that there's no need to be courteous to their Creator, that they think of doing anything they want, wish or desire to do up to the point that they have no shame in doing it. So why must we be courteous to Him while we're living in this planet earth?

Well, for me, the idea being courteous to The Creator, our Lord is the highest courtesy we can perform. This courtesy is the foundation in being courteous to other creatures. Those who are aware of His ever presence will guard their attitudes within rule and just. In their feeling of gratitude for His grace and mercy, every effort they make will be in gaining His Approval.

In following the Muslim's courtesy to The Creator, there is one important message from our great prophet Muhammad SAW that said that anything that is started without Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim will be a misfortune. Reflected it to permission matter, I realized this is it. For one should realize in anything they're doing that it is by the grace and mercy of our Lord we are able to do anything while living this life. That in our remembrance to Him we are as the guest in this planet earth is asking permission to do the things we want to do. That in our remembrance to Him we are inwardly seeking His strength and guidance in doing our intention.

The courtesy in seeking His permission can also be stated in the form of action. Some people may say things that is different from their action. That's why asking permission in the form of action is more difficult than by verbal. A man who courted a woman knew how difficult it was when he was to get permission from her father / guardian to take her out or to marry her. He had to prepare his heart and mind for what he so wished to happen yet also needed to prepare for the unexpected answer or outcome.

There was a story from our great prophet Muhammad SAW about permission. Before the marriage happened, the great prophet Muhammad SAW had divine vision that Zainab bint Jahsh RA was going to be his wife. At that time, she was married to Zaid bin Haritsah RA, who was known as his adopted son which according to Islamic law shouldn't be called Zaid bin Muhammad. But at that time, people made their own assumption following the past tradition. What happened to the Prophet SAW inwardly? Only Allah knew and He related the story for us to learn the lesson.

It was a difficult situation. Because the man told him SAW about their marriage situation and he asked him to work the things out though he had divine vision of what would happen. He SAW couldn't ignore what the heart had known, yet he SAW also needed to maintained his fair judgment and put aside his self interest towards the situation. It was by God's grace that the couple made their conscious decision to divorce. And after Zainab bint Jahsh had gone through her iddah, the divine vision indeed happened. All this situation was recorded in the Qur'an "And [remember, O Muhammad], when you said to the one on whom Allah bestowed favor and you bestowed favor, "Keep your wife and fear Allah ," while you concealed within yourself that which Allah is to disclose. And you feared the people, while Allah has more right that you fear Him. So when Zayd had no longer any need for her, We married her to you in order that there not be upon the believers any discomfort concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they no longer have need of them. And ever is the command of Allah accomplished." [QS 33:37]

As much as he knew the idea of marrying her, the great prophet Muhammad SAW thought what people would say of him in doing something against the society tradition. He SAW knew that without His permission he couldn't take Zainab from his adopted son. Though without doubt his adopted son would give her to him for their marriage life had been in trouble at that time. Only when they had fully finished their episode of life, by the grace of Allah Zainab bint Jahsh RA then entered into his life as his wife to state the new rule for Muslim people.

By the permission of Allah in arabic is bi idznillah. This words may not be a common words to many of us, because we rely most of our success and opportunity to our hard effort, our own strength or something that support our effort. But I hear this word bi izdnillah quite often in the community, at least from my great spiritual teachers and his assistance  They weren't scholar or so called science expert, yet so often people ask their guidance and assistance to solve their problems from sickness to mental problem to financial problem to work problem to family problem even to community problem. And by the grace of Allah using the Quranic verses, natural herbs or water or combine them with some some instruction they succeeded in helping them. Yet they are aware that their success belong to Allah for without His permission they won't be able to do it moreover successfully. I ever read that healing practice using Quranic verses also practiced by Chisti Order (Thariqah Chistiyyah).

Here is the fine line that differentiate the common educated men to the men of Knowledge (Ulil al Baab). The men of Knowledge know that whatever they achieve through knowledge they have is by the permission and by the grace of Allah. This differentiation thus resulted in the way they live their life.

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