Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Coming to the end of my journey

Well, this is the sign that I received this week. And what's the sign?

Spiritually and mentally I'm very much alive but physically I'm wrecked :) All the fatigue along the journey from Sumatera-Jawa-Kalimantan-Jawa and now I'm ended up in Bali put my body into exhaustion. Actually last sunday when I made my journey to Bali, I had high fever at night which continued to yesterday (thursday). When the night came my body radiated heat that I felt so strong especially in my legs, hands and in my face around my eyes that I have to cool them down. And during the day, my body seem to be on strike that to move around it feels very painful.

Yes, I got the message. My machine needed to be overhauled. I need to rest. So almost every night after coming back from the shop, I just lying down and let my body enjoy the resting and hopefully recovered. Even so, my mind tried seek the understanding though my soul enjoy the tranquility within. Last night, while my eyes was still radiated heat that I'd rather close them, and my fingers were too tired to type any letters on keypad, there my mind was reading the sign from my soul that was wide awake and walking her own path.

A journey to fulfill the Divine decree
Because all of a sudden she reminded me of a picture long ago I think now is about 12years back - about a knight traveling on a horse. Well, it was me as my friend interpreted it going to make a journey. As if this episode of life was the culminating of that journey. As if I was meant to stop here and have my body healed by Him Alone. You see all those journey wasn't of my wish, it was the wish of the Divine I merely materialized what was written for me. So when coming to the end of it, I'm wrecked, He has prepared me with the medicine and taken good care of me by healing me in His own way.

How does He heal me?

By preparing me the natural herbs that I need to restore me. It fits me well because it works better when my stomach is empty. All I need to do was just drinking lots of water at least 2lt. Eating is something that I have to think and see if my stomach is hungry, otherwise I hardly take big meal.

As I take the herbs something else was happening. In some parts of my head, I gets this pulsing pain. As the instruction given it is a sign that the herbs has found the root cause, I should keep using it. So there I was lying down and having my left brain fixed hehehe.... feeling the pulsing pain that once in a while coming and my mind can't help wondering what's going on, what I will be transformed into. This is because the testimony given by men after using the herbs on average that their libido were getting a lot better and one even said that he had been cured from impotent. So here I'm lying helpless and just rest my faith to the kindness of Allah thinking what will happen to me and my libido?! Hehehe... Will I be more woman than before?! How will I know?! What a sordid thought.

Talked about journey, I know we still have 5 other provinces to visit for their regional conference but hopefully my other males colleagues or my trained staff can replace me. And I also know I may still make some traveling to fulfill my responsibility before I make my other journey which is homeward.

For now, I have to delegate some of my responsible to my staff, avoid the invitation from my local friends here to attend their social gathering, send the files that I prepared for IMQ-students instead of having me in front of them and I have to excuse myself to not attending the ceremony of establishing the school building that is going to happen on sunday morning.

To finish one journey
and start another kind of journey
I may not be able to support my colleagues to have the writing on journalism-training on 6nov by being there. At least I had linked the two to make it happen. The other one that is another month to go is the islamic new year. There has been two events scheduled, one is the handing over of a new building for the orphan to study that we had built this year in celebrating the islamic new year and the following day is the public sermon to celebrate the islamic new year. I have promised my friend that I will stay with her in her friend's house in Kediri during the events. And that will be on 1st and 2nd Dec. Hopefully I'm fully recovered by then. Because I plan to stay in Bali while doing my only work assignment at the shop for a month or two.

I know I have always been looked after :)

Thank you Lord.

Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Living victory without defamation (3)

Here I will give some examples of living experience on victory without defamation that had been done by some great men in the past and that it is fundamentally different from win-win situation.

Fundamental difference

Their difference is in their affinity to the Truth
To point out the difference between the two philosophies I will give a story of the great man Muhammad SAW.

In his early prophethood, his opponent was trying anything to stop him in doing what he did. They even came up with something that they thought as a win-win solution to him and that they thought they did him a great favor by giving him some proposals since he was a minority at that time. First they came with a proposal that they would agree to follow his practice for some days as long as he also agreed to follow their practice for some days. Here he SAW refused the proposal because to him, it wasn't about a compromise solution. Then they came up with another proposal that they would give him all the wealth, position and women he ever wanted as long as he discontinued his work. Up to here was then his famous saying that even if they brought and put the sun on his right hand and the moon on his left hand, he would not stop doing what he did. Mind you that when he stated that he was in the 'weak' position against majority of the majority of noblemen in Mecca.

However he couldn't compromise in such situation even after being offered a win-win solution according to his opponent because their difference was very fundamental. In their ignorance they couldn't see the truth that their way of life was against humanity.

Yet, as the months and years gone and their difference escalated thus caused wars between them, when eventually he won over them in the Futuh Mecca (Conquering Mecca) he made statement that those who were willing to embrace his message would be a free man and those who did not want to embrace his message would be forgiven and allowed to leave the city of Mecca. That event was the story behind the verses I have quoted earlier in the section 1.

No emotional bank account ever required

As I told you earlier about the life of RMP Sosrokartono in Europe now is another story of his life after his returned to Indonesia.

In the year 1926 after returned to Indonesia he started his humanity service as a healer. And the way he healed was very unique for he only used his touch to heal or used water as his medium to transfer his energy before it was given to the sick ones. He found this potency when he was in Swiss and brought to life the dying son of his friends who happened to be diagnosed by any doctors there that the boy had no chance of living.

Sometimes when he wasn't around he instructed his assistance to present the water in front of 'Alif' - from the first arabic letter that he specifically made by his own hand. At those time his way of healing was very out of mind. That many of Dutch physicians in those colonial era couldn't comprehend it, mocked his healing practice and some others tried to test and prove him to be an impostor by presented him some water for different intention. To them, he ignored the jests they made of him during his public healing process. When it became more and more annoying he would then spoke to them in their own language and changed to local language to point out their ignorance that would later had them ashamed of what they're doing thus left him alone to continue his public healing. To those who tried to prove him wrong, the water that they presented to him was either its container broken or spilled away that it never met its purpose. He used to say "My umbrella is my Lord. My shield is my Lord."

It happened that not only the sick ones that went to him, those who needed help, advice and direction were also going to him, including Soekarno the first president of Indonesia. He welcomed them all and fulfilled their needs. In his practice he didn't take anything from people because he practiced a very minimum life, he only ate two or three chilies and drank a cup of coffee everyday. In his letters to his friends in Manasuka - Bandung where he opened his practice in a rented house called Darussalam, he told about his refusal to the offer given by king of Langkat to stay in the palace or the feast they prepared for him. He'd rather stay in a simple house. And to his death on 8th February 1952 he lived a celibate life and didn't possess much not even a house under his own name.

He named himself Joko Pring, Mandor Klungsu - a bamboo bachelor, the foreman of tamarind-seed which carried a profound philosophy of life. Apart from this philosophy of victory without defamation, there inscribed other seven javanese philosophy of life that he practiced in his life.
When people approched him, there wasn't any emotional bank account ever needed or required. Those who stayed with him was ever allowed to make their own choices of life. Those who came to him was for whichever purpose they needed of him. Those who had disputed with him, either found their wisdom or never was by the will of their Lord.

All he wished was for mankind to get back their wellness and health and that their wish and request were fulfilled by The Almighty. His prayer and wish was inscribed in front of his tomb:

Oh Dear Lord the most Exalted
Oh Dear Lord the Almighty
May you grant the wish and the request of all mankind
May compassion and forgiveness of Dear Lord fall onto all mankind. 
Lord, may you bestow ocean of blessing upon mankind, take away all sorrow and sickness, give additional happiness and joy to all servants
It is the tears that comes from the purity of the heart and feeling, 
that comes from the purity of devotion to the will of Lord
Compassion, please show compassion oh Lord of Universe
Heal, heal by the will of the Allah.

Simplicity is the principle character

Ummar ibn Khattab ra when received a letter from his general Abu Ubaidah ra that he was requested personally to go to Jerusalem to receive the key of Jerusalem city as their sign of surrender. And after consulted the council and following the suggestion given by Ali ibn Thalib ra he decided to go with only his servant and a camel. And as they came near the village Jabiah, it was the turn of his servant to ride the camel but he was reluctant because he thought what people would think of. Ummar was a very fair man, so he insisted him to take the turn. So they gave such a sight to the people of Jabiah where the servant was riding the camel while the master was on foot taking the lead. There he was met by Abu Ubaidah ra. who would then gave him the detail information on Suriah after they won over East Rome. After that he met with the representative of Christian people from Yerusalem where they drew an agreement known as Aelia Agreement. Then he continued his journey to Yerusalem alone on a common horse. In the gate of Yerusalem he was welcomed by the Partriach of Sophronius accompanied by the churches and city councils and the muslim generals. There it was, the ones who welcomed the great men were wearing their finest clothes, their great man that they honored was wearing the simple one. Before that one companion had told him to change for a decent one, but as Ummar said that he found his strength and status from his iman to Islam not from the clothes he's wearing. For his affinity to the truth had taught him that.

Here is another story. In the era of english imperialism in India, Mahatma Gandhi was a legend because of his Satyaghraha movement. It was his way of winning the uncompromised situation with the colonial government for it was obvious they had principally different purpose. It was either my way or nothing at all. It was after the purpose was accomplished that the win-win agreement was drawn. We all knew how he lived his life. He also lived a very simple life though he used to be an attorney during his early life in London and Johannesburg (South Africa).

And again another story from the great man Nelson Mandela. In his early life struggle he had been under oppressions of a very racist political way by Apartheid regime. Almost half of his life was spent in the prison because he refused to compromise with the ruler. Yet when the people movement finally won and appointed him to be the new president of South Africa, he united the nation and forgave former ruler after they tore the country apart. That was definitely an act of victory without defamation. For one can't truly forgive without putting their past behind and move on to work together with the one they have forgiven to bring a betterment to the country. That is called reconciliation.

To come to the state of victory without defamation wasn't about prestige or power or anything. Because the virtue has been in their blood as a way of life not a social ethic to fulfill. When it has been part of them, then their action is always about bringing victory to humanity.

There was a wisdom from Tao Te Ching about this that I'd like to put here as wrap up

30. Violence
Powerful men are well advised not to use violence,
For violence has a habit of returning:
Thorns and weeds grow wherever an army goes,
And lean years follow a great war.

A general is well advised
To achieve nothing more than his orders:
Not to take advantage of his victory.
Nor to glory, boast or pride himself:
To do what is dictate by necessity,
Not by choice.

For even the strongest force will weaken with time,
And then its violence will return, and kill it.

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Dimension of victory without defamation (2)

In general there is not much different in the character of people who practice this philosophy in their life to the one who practice win-win solution. Both have self-awareness, imagination, intuition, and free-will in their interaction with others. However, there is a distinction between the two. It comes from the approach of the winner in looking into things.


Here's what Stephen Covey stated in the book about the principle of win-win solution. This principle is started from character, then goes to relationship then come to agreement. The agreement is nurtured in an environment where structure and system is based on win-win situation. It takes process; we can't achieve the win-win situation using win-loss or loss-win tool.

It's not being a winner.
It is about being true human being.
I agree to Stephen Covey that integrity, maturity which is the balance between bravery and tolerance, abundance mentality are required to have win-win character. But there is one that we need to add to enable one to practice the other philosophy. That is an affinity to the Truth. This character is very important because it is the one that will help the winner to eliminate the humanly fault during the victory.

In the secular society where people separate their daily life to religious practice, the requirement of affinity to the Truth may not make sense. Because all their life their understanding of religious practice is boring, against their sense of liberty and to some extend the religious people have tendency to be corrupted.

Here what I meant by Truth is truth: Its truth is both understood by religious and non religious people for its reality is based on humanity not religious superiority. I will talk in detail in the example given in another section.


Again I agree with the explanation given by Stephen in the book about the relationship required in win-win situation. It said that to make the win-win relationship works trust and emotional bank account must be fulfilled. Without trust the best we can get in the relationship is compromise, we don't have the credibility to learn and communicate openly, reciprocally and in real creativity. With high emotional bank account, credibility is no longer a problem. Deposits has been kept enought that you know and I know that we respect each other deeply. We focus on problem, not on personal or position.

In the victory-without-defamation, the most important aspect required is the solid faith to the Truth of winner. For it had been proved that the other who is the recipient or the defeated ones at the end became the ones that get the benefits through that process. The defeated ones then either agree with the winner or deny their truth as self-evident. You will see my point when I give the examples of this philosophy in another section.

The nature of human being in trusting someone

And in victory-without-defamation, there is no need of emotional bank account. The defeated one either have no emotional bank account to the winner or have a lot it doesn't matter. So often the defeated ones have an essential need to their life that can only be fulfilled by the winner. It's like the course of their life had been destined to be in such a way that the one defeated has to come to the winner somehow.


As Stephen said in the book that from relationship then comes agreement that define and give direction to win-win situation. It is sometimes called performance agreement or partnership agreement, paradigm change in productive interaction from vertical to horizontal approach. A win-win agreement includes a wide mutual interaction.

Eventually the one defeated
become either the true winner or true loser
depend on their degree of ignorance
In victory-without-defamation philosophy, there is a distinct approach required to the defeated ones. That is the defeated one must make changes to the principle way they acted before as propose by the winner. It is either that or nothing at all. If they agreed to the proposal, then they will become a better human being otherwise they will remain the same. It is because the proposal given by the winner is related to the truth and to bring people to their true state of being.

After that, either the two sides will be an alliance or not isn't a problem. However, the defeated ones if they take the winner as alliance is then eventually become the winner.

In the next section I will give detail examples to clarify the points I stated here. For this section is the summary of the great virtues done by the great men in dealing with the principle difference related to the Truth. They're the winners in the way they approached problem in their life and they're the winner in the way they dealt with their opponents. I don't use the words enemy for the one that is against them because they knew their greatest enemy is their own lower self. And their opponents are nothing else but the ignorants that veiled people from their true nature as human being. Their action is to take away the veil, once it is accomplished, the purpose is fulfilled and the defeated ones become the winner. That is why in their victory there shall never be any defamation.

Victory without defamation (1)

Two months ago I had a chance to visit a tomb of Javanese saint named RMP Sosrokartono. He was a noble man and the first Indonesian scholar who studied in overseas (Holland) in the western type of education during Dutch colonials. In the year of 1897-1926,  his social life in Europe were between the noble society and scholar society. He could speak 26 different languages, 10 of indonesian tribes and 16 of international languages inlcuding Basque, France, Spanish, and Portuguese. He was the first indonesian war reporter in the era of World War I and translator for the Nation League. He was the one who supplied the information of the World War I in Europe to American readers, one that higlighetd his caree was the secret agreement that happened in France between the two faction because he was appointed to be the translator in it.

That was his worldly achievement. In the year 1926 he returned to Indonesia and led a very different life. In his tomb there was eight philosophy of life written in javanese scripts and language. One of the philosophy stated there said 'menang tanpo ngasorake' which is very profound in relation to the javanese way of life; it means victory without defamation. What does it mean? It means as it is, very obvious: victory without defamation.

Win-win situation

Compare to the Stephen Covey philosophy of 'win-win situation' this philosophy is more potent in dealing with everyday or any principal problem though only very few have the ability to apply it in their life. For one who wins has tendency to be confident with their strength, excessive in celebrating their victory and arrogant in their victory.

In his book of seven habit of highly effective people, Stephen Covey stated the characteristics of win-win solution. It said that win-win solution is a mind and heart frame that continuously seek benefits in the human interaction. It is an agreement or solution that's gives mutual benefits and satisfaction. With win-win solution both parties happy with the decision and tied to the its plan action. It sees life as an arena of cooperation not competition. Most people think in dichotomy that is strong or weak, hard or soft, win or loss. Win-win solution is a belief to the third alternative, not your way or may way; it is a better way, a higher way.

Unlike win-win situation

Now, victory without defamation is unlike win-win solution. Because it is based on reality of things as it is, not to the way of human mind thinks. Let me elaborate here.

The existence of strong, weak, hard, soft, win, loss are there. And competition is also there, whether we accept its existence or not. And people sometimes can't see things beyond their mind and feeling, that they can't see the good in anything that happen in their life. And solution doesn't always mean applicable to both parties. It could only be applicable to one party that happen to be in the weak, soft and lost one. And there are situation where winner do not gain anything from their action because to them the action is their common sense for they're the one who have come to the state of self liberation / self actualization. Because of such nature, win-win solution may not be applicable. The best transcendental action in such situation is victory without defamation.

The victory without defamation is actually in accordance to the Qur'an surah An-Nashr (110) that said:

Sahih International
When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest,

Sahih International
And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes,

Sahih International
Then exalt [Him] with praise of your Lord and ask forgiveness of Him. Indeed, He is ever Accepting of repentance.

As the last verses stated, the guideline given to those who has come to self liberation are of three actions which is against to common people do as i mentioned above. One is to exalt (Him) with praise of your Lord, this is to actually know and realize that their victory isn't because of their own strength; the strength to win the situation comes from Allah. Two is to ask forgiveness of Him that is in their realization that it could be that in their way of celebrating the victory, they may do something that is against the rule of Allah or it may cause people dislike them. Three is to repent that is to say that any arrogancy that may come either they realize it or not is needed to be continually cleased away from their heart.

The basic nature

The philosophy of victory without defamation came from the origin of Truth. As stated in the Quran that said: And say, "Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart." [QS 17:81]

Truth can't be mixed up with falsehood, Light can't be mixed up with darkness. Their existence is such a way that if Truth exist falsehood will disappear, if Light exist darkness will disappear. And because of such nature, it is impossible to cooperate the two. For the non-existence of one is the cause of the existence the other.

When the Light comes, darkness go.
The existence of one is the cause of non-existence of the other

And as the last verse stated that 'the nature of falsehood is ever bound to depart'. It means that falsehood isn't real, darkness isn't real. It is unreal - it is only real to the mind who perceive it, but in essence they're unreal.

Practicing the philosophy

True victory is victory over ourself
This victory without defamation is a moment of Truth. It could be that the situation at that time is both parties win, or one wins while the other lost. But at that time the winner practice this philosophy in such a way that in the end the other party come to the realization that in their defeated moment, they are transformed to be the winner and that the one won do not take advantage from their victory. When the defeated one has come to this realization, it is then understood that actually they're the ones who have won.

The core principle values to practice this philosophy in one's life is sincerity in its essence in which one lives a self-less way of life. And the dimension of this philosophy is also a little bit different from the one mentioned by Stephen Covey in his book. I will try to elaborate more in the next section.

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Di antara

Kenapa harus ada rasa ini?
Bukankah sudah kuterima
Perpisahan yang terucap
Teriring dengan hinaan

Kenapa masih ada pikiran ini?
Bukankah sudah kucoba hapus
Akan tiba masanya ketika ombak datang
dan menghapus jejak di hamparan pasir kehidupan
hingga hilang tak berbekas
Bayangan baik dirimu dengan
Pedasnya cacian

Hinaan tidak meninggalkan bekas
Cacian juga tidak mengeras
Baik tetap menetap
Jelas menjadi penerang.

Kasih tetap tidak terganti
Benci pun tiada terbetik
Terpenjara dalam rela
Yang ada hanya cinta

Ilmu tak mampu mengelam
Terang akal menyisa paham
Terperangkap dalam pengertian
Yang ada hanya penerimaan

Beginilah jadinya
Tegak melangkah
Diantara dulu dan nanti
Bersama diri meniti masaku kini

Juwana, 5 Oktober 2012