Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Natural Dermatologist

Acne especially on faces are something that reduced self esteem. Because it existence can be rated from annoying to the extend of damaging the shape of face.

Several of my friends have that experience, till they had wise suggestion from our she-teacher, the natural dermatologist. They are a combined works of natural plant black seeds (Nigella sativa Linn.), honey and fresh myrtle leaves (Murraya paniculata). The effectiveness of their function is such that their faces are clean without sign of previous acne problem. Some of them who had a severe acnes problem had left scar on their face.

If you want to prove it for your self, here is the recipe that you apply for yourself to see the result.

Face mask
The black seeds and honey are the ingredient to make the face mask. First you have to fry it plain, without any oil just to get it warm. After that you grind the black seeds till it become powdery. It doesn't have to be fully powder. Then you mix it with honey just enough to make the cream not too liquid. There you are, you have your own face mask cream.

You need to apply it twice a day, in the morning and at night for about 15 - 30minutes. Some of my friend even wear the mask to sleep. if you are going to use it while sleeping, make sure you put a plastic cover on you pillow and clean it up in the morning other wise you might get ants coming enjoying the free honey supper on you face. :-)

Facial wash
The fresh myrtle leaves are used as facial wash. What you have to do is get the fresh myrtle leaves from its tree, it will be better if you have the tree. Once you have them, heat the water till it reaches its boiling point then merge the leaves into the boiling water and let it heated till the leaves are shriveled.

Then cool down the water till it gets warm, and you can use it to wash your face. You can use it in the morning and evening. I'm not sure if you can use the liquid when it's over a night. My friends used to prepare fresh myrtle liquid every time they want to do facial wash. That's because they have the trees in their backyards.

When you are on the treatment of this natural dermatologist, you have to avoid using any chemical makeup to ensure its effectiveness. Not facial foundation, not face powder or any other make-up. Well, you can still wear lipstick though.

You must also be aware during the treatment you might find that the acne is expelling its content that is pus. Because one of my friends who had severe acnes problem underwent that. You don't need to worry, it is a reverse process that is known as detoxification that undergoes within the body. My other friend had an itchy problem when she was under treatment from lotion (which I believe having mercury content) that she was addicted to. Once the toxic is expelled, the body will start balancing itself and the renewal skin process takes place. This can be seen physically in the skin texture.

Any of you who has been tired of spending too much money without any good result or in contrary having not much money to have facial treatment or just want to go back to nature should try this and see for your self the greatness of Natural Healing.

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

The Nature of Dreams

You know, the last couple of weeks I've been trying to write about the nature of dreams three times and this is the fourth attempt. Somehow the first two attempt had been aborted by the technical problem before I had a chance to save it as a draft. The third attempt I had managed to save it in a draft and when I wrote this fourth attempt I don't have a chance to open and edit it. So it's really four times attempt in writing about the nature of dreams.

The thing that makes me curious is why this subject had been distracted for me to be written and why the feeling I'm carrying right now seems odd. You know the last few weeks I have this feeling in which I feel like dreaming in both of my concious state; either when I'm awake or sleeping. Nonetheless, that kind of feeling make it easier to write about the nature of dreams.

So, I ask you, 'What is the nature of dream?' My friends commented in my facebook that dreams was something unreal. The other person said it is a stage you saw during sleeping time, Some said it's a sleeping experience. In general we all refer dream to the state in which we are physically sleeping but inwardly we saw scenes taking place either involved us or jus as spectator.

For me dream is a bridge to the world beyond. I perceive this world is more like tangible material world to me. And something that belong to the world beyond is immaterial world in which my perception sees it as more real than the material world. We perceive this material world using our senses, our hearing, sights, taste and smelling senses and they are destructible.

Eventhough dream is a bridge to the world beyond, I won't say that all dreams are real. The nature of dreams can be differentiated based on their sources into four different kinds. They are physical dream, subconcious dream, deliberate dream and divine dream.

Physical dream is a dream that is manifested from physical needs which very closed to the material world. I believe once in a lifetime everybody ever have a dream in which they want to pee and they wake up having their pants wet. That is one of the example of physical dream.

Subconcious dream is a dream that is manifested from human subconcious awareness. I perceive this subconcious awareness is a set character that is embedded in human being that can be invoke through set of training and lying dormant in human mind. People with strong subconcience character usually when they have nightmare usually have the power to overcome it.

In islamic mysticism tradition there is a practice that is called 'dzikr' (remembrance). The first stage of this remembrance is starting with 'loud' remembrance in which the person pronounce out the remembrance words. Once they get used to it, they will go further to inner remembrance in which their remembrance is pronounced in silent. This remembrance is one that is helpful when a person is having a nightmare. One of the experience I ever had was when I had a nightmare, I was weak and had to fight the demon in my dream, by invoking this remembrance, I gained my strength and won the fight.

The third is deliberate dream. Since this dream required a higher spiritual attainment, it refers to the dream that happened to the person who direct it. What happened in deliberate dream is the person with high spiritual attainment will go to someone's dream and send the message to him/her through the dream. To understand how this can be done or whether it really happened we need to understand the nature of human being. However, I'm not going to talk about that in this topic. I might write it some other time.

The example of this kind of dreams I had from two persons from different spiritual practice background. And since they kind of ignorance to fame and pride, they usually don't admit what had happened openly. The person received the messages through their dreams, may only guess how and why it happened.

Divine dream is the dream that bear the truth in general. It may be of the coming event in future or the reality of things or person. My undestanding, divine dream can be asked for or happen naturally. In islamic practice there a special prayer taught to ask for guidance which is called istiharah prayer. The answer to that prayer sometimes is given in the form of dream. So I categogorize this divine dream to be the one asked for.

Divine dream that happen naturally is usually related to the things that going to happen in either society or person's life sometime in future. It carries messages from the World Beyond and require some intepretation from a wise person. Or if the person himself is the one, he would know the meaning of it.

In Javanese tradition there is a book called The Book of Dream which contain the intepretation of sign receive from dreams. Some people believe and some consider it as superstitious. In islamic religion there was one of scholar who is most known as a intepreter dreams. He is Ibn Sirin. He even wrote a book called The Intepretation of Dreams to help people understand the message of the World Beyond. This is because there is a saying that 'The true dream is part of prophecy'. We all know the story about the Prophet Joseph who is known as King of Dreams.

Understanding the nature of dream will help us to understand the message it carries whether it is a true dream or meaningless dream that carries no significant message for us or humanity.

Understanding that dream as another ethereal world that we can look at can enrich our knowledge and wisdom on the vastness Universe.

So, what was you dream last night? :)

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Mahaprastanika (6)

Dalam kebimbangan melihat kondisi Drupadi,
Dan Yudhistira yang semakin menjauh meninggalkan mereka...
Rombongan Pandawa akhirnya meninggalkan jasad Drupadi
Dan menyusul Yudhistira yang berada jauh di depan mereka,
Terserap dalam khalwat jalan yang sedang dilakukannya.

Bima tidak bisa menahan diri untuk bertanya kepada Yudhistira,
Akan kejadian yang dialami Drupadi :
Mengapakah Drupadi terkulai mati di tengah jalan?
Padahal dia adalah wanita yang tiada ternoda?

Sambil terus berjalan, Yudhistira berkata dengan tenang:
Drupadi memang wanita yang tiada ternoda.
Dia mencintai ke-lima suaminya sama ratanya.
Namun sekalipun demikian, dia sedikit membedakan rasa kepada Arjuna.
Itulah yang menjadi sebab kematiannya.

Rombongan Pandawa yang diiringi seekor anjing berjalan dalam diam.
Masing2 terserap ke dalam perenungan diri...
Memperturutkan langkah kaki kemanapun dia membawa pergi

Hingga tiba-tiba di tengah perjalanan mendaki Himalaya,
Sadewa terkulai mati!
Menimbulkan kegaduhan pada keluarga Pandawa yang lain....

Tanpa menengok ke belakang,
Untuk melihat apa yang terjadi atas saudaranya Sadewa...
Yudhistira tetap melanjutkan perjalanannya.

Bima-pun bertanya penyebab kematian Sadewa dalam
Di tengah perjalanan itu.
Yudhistira berkata:
Sadewa berpikir bahwa dirinya adalah yang paling bijaksana,
Dibandingkan degan yang lain.
Pikiran tersebut telah membunuhnya....

Rombongan masih terus melanjutkan perjalanan,
Menuju keabadian yang dinanti-nantikan....

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Mahaprastanika (5)

Berangkatlah Pandawa diiring Drupadi istri mereka bersama seekor anjing
Meninggalkan Sumbadra, istri Arjuna sebagai Ibu suri kerajaan,
Meninggalkan kerajaan dengan segala gemerlapnya...
Tanpa harta apatah kejayaan prestasi seorang ksatria...

Hanya diri!
Dan hanya diri....!
Menyambut tibanya waktu untuk kembali kepada Yang Sejati....

Adalah Arjuna sangat terkenal sebagai pemanah ulung,
Dirinya seolah tak akan pernah bisa dipisahkan dari panah dan busurnya...
Pun senjata tersebut harus dikembalikan kepada pemiliknya....

Ketika dalam perjalanannya ke arah timur dan sampai di tepi pantai,
Dewi Agni, sang Dewi Api muncul di hadapan mereka....

" Aku dapatkan dari Baruna, sang Dewa Laut....
Panah dan busur yang ada di tangan Arjuna itu.
Dan dia telah membantuku membakar hutan Kandaha.

Sejak itu engkau, Arjuna... telah melakukan cukup banyak tindakan.
Tindakan diluar kemampuan manusia biasa dengan bantuan senjata ini.
Sekarang engkau tidak membutuhkannya lagi!
Berikanlah panah dan busur itu kembali ke Baruna! "

Kelima Pandawa pun memaklumi pernyataan dewi Agni tersebut.
Dan Arjuna mengembalikan senjata pemberian itu dengan melabuhkannya ke laut.
Satu pemilikan duniawi yang terakhir pun...
Harus dikembalikan seiring dengan tindakan tersebut.....

Hanya berpakaian seorang pertapa, sebagai kain kafan penutup diri,
Rombongan Pandawa dan istrinya Drupadi melanjutkan perjalanan ke arah selatan.
Mengitari tanah suci...
Hingga sampailah mereka di jalan masuk menuju Himalaya.

Puncak Himalaya menjulang menembus awan,
Hawa dingin bertiup menyambut kedatangan mereka.
Sementara kepekatan dan belukar hutan yang hampir tiada tersentuh manusia,
Memisahkan mereka dari peradaban manusia,
Peradaban dengan segala keramaian dan kebisingan kepentingannya.

Di tengah perjalanan menuju ke bagian utara yang berpasir,
Berlatarkan puncak Meru, si Raja gunung...
Drupadi terkulai mati!

Keempat bersaudara Pandawa terkejut dengan keadaan tersebut.
Mereka berusaha menolong Drupadi yang terkulai di tengah jalan.
Namun Yudhistira ternyata tetap saja meneruskan langkahnya,
Tanpa menoleh....