Selasa, 24 April 2012

Altering Predestiny

You may notice that in several of my articles I'd been talking about dream come true as if there is no way of altering what had been pre-destined. I'd like to tell you something else. Some stories about altering pre-destiny. One is based on my experience, and the other is based on someone else's experience.

Stories of alteration

What is our road map in the journey that we take?
Mine was my recent experience. Some weeks before I went to Thailand with my sisters and friend, I had a dream about checked in to the airline counter but only the three of us, they're my oldest sister, my friend and I. I couldn't see my youngest sister with her son. As the time to book accommodation was getting closer and closer I wasn't sure whether I had to book for 1 or 2 rooms for I was the tour leader in this whole program.

In one hand I knew my sister's financial and family situation but in the other hand she had all the air ticket had been paid and last time when her husband was around he had given her the permission. She also had said that she wouldn't go. Looking at her situation and the dream I had I felt unsure what to do. A week before going, I decided I wouldn't let what was shown in the dream to happen. I told my sister that she and her son should just go with us. I altered what was shown to me as so called pre-destiny to become another destiny.

Another story and it was told by my spiritual master. Many years ago, he had dream of big flood happened in Jawa. It was the combination of heavy rain and the increase of sea level. To avoid that to happen, he sent some of his students to the coastline of Jawa island (north part) to drop some stones which had been filled with the words of Allah. (This story remind me of the miracle shown by Caliph Umar ibn Khattab in relation to the Eufrat River by dropping his message to the river). By doing so, they altered what was pre-destined to become another destiny.

People may question about this 'How could this be?' I remember I'd been questioned by my father's friend about similar question, knowing that I learned about thariqah and he didn't agree with the idea of thariqah.

The answer to that isn't for the mind to understand. Because truly trust (haqqul yaqiin) is a combination between testimony and knowledge. One can talk philosophically arguing about this, but if they never experience the knowledge of it, they will not understand or accept the truth about this.

Dream can be a tool to send messages from the Divine
Following the Great Prophet

And to any Muslim who question my point on this, I won't answer them directly. But I will ask them to think and ponder on the hadist of the great prophet Muhammad who gave example in having a nightmare / bad dream as narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim. What do you think the reason of that act? And why did he pbuh taught us that? It should be something for you to ponder.

As I told in previous article under title 'Tribute to Ikhlasul Amal'. The content of the dream was indeed a sad story. But the subject of it was different. In that dream the one who supposed to die was the father but in reality it was the son.

Following the teaching given by the prophet Muhammad SAW is what I did after having the dream. It would then up to Allah as the Wisest of All to change the course of the destiny to happen. I merely prayed that all would be well and His final decree was the best for all.

To Serve Humankind

This then lead us to the question of why do we pray? If our life has been destined to be whatever we're supposed to be, why we are asked to pray? As in the Quran verse ' And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you." .... '. [QS 40: 60] Because in praying we have the possibility to alter the pre-destiny to be something else. Our interaction with our Creator should be an active one instead of passive. That He should always be in our remembrance in any situation. Thus praying isn't only about asking. Praying is also about keeping in touch with Him in our consciousness.
Whoever saves one  -
it is as if he had saved mankind entirely

You see of the two stories I told you above, the purpose we want to achieve isn't for bad intention. It is to serve other people. To benefit other people and hopefully us as well to fulfill our destiny. Just like the existence of Caliph Umar ibn Khattab was to save any person that would be drowned to the river to death, my spiritual master was to save any person that would be drowned in the flood, my act wasn't any different, in a way it was to ease my sister's broken heart.

All knowledge of the Divine isn't to serve our ego or lower self. It is to serve humanity even it is only a single human being. As it is said in the Quran "Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors."  [QS 5:32].

Super Human

Are they super human? Are they for real? Because we have been familiarized with superman, batman, spider man and so many fantasy men as the creative works of the mind.

Message of Paradox -
super human isn't about strength,
look, invincibility or pride
We may know that indeed in reality some of that super human action were truly happened as some trusted people had narrated. Even in the Quran there was a verse to tell about this super human act during King Solomon's period. As mentioned in surah An Naml [QS 27: 40] Said one who had knowledge from the Scripture, "I will bring it to you before your glance returns to you." And when [Solomon] saw it placed before him, he said, "This is from the favor of my Lord to test me whether I will be grateful or ungrateful. And whoever is grateful - his gratitude is only for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever is ungrateful - then indeed, my Lord is Free of need and Generous."

However, regardless their super human action, they are still human being. This to to further explain to you why there was a verse in the Quran   Say, O [Muhammad], "I am only a man like you to whom it has been revealed that your god is but one God; so take a straight course to Him and seek His forgiveness." And woe to those who associate others with Allah -  [QS 41: 6] to explain about the prophet, the closest human being to Allah the Creator of All.

With their divine knowledge, they looked norm to the people around them. Their super human called 'mu'jizaat' (miracle) was a gift from Allah with their rank to validate their proximity with The Truth. For those who didn't possess the rank of prophethood, their super human action which is called 'karamah' (eminence) following the verse in the Quran is due to their piety. [QS 49: 13] It is a blessing gift from Allah that can't be seek out.

Perfect Man

Different needs has different definition
With their super human action, in reality we don't have super human. Because super human action can only happen by the grace of Allah. What we then have is a perfect man in arabic called insan kamil.

And how do we know this perfect man? What kind of criteria to use and classify one to fall into that category? Because most of us see the perfection in the physical level from the height, the look, the weight, the size and so on. And this criteria then gives the title of miss universe, miss world etc. And in sport we have the record breakers. And we have also guinness book of record to keep them all. I am not being judgmental here. I just point out those measurement of perfection given by the world, which seems to get higher and higher that you can't tell if they can really be a perfect human being.

Now, let me remind you of something else. Hopefully this can open up our perspective about another kind of perfection. Certainly to understand it we need to see deeper to the core of our nature self.

27. Perfection
The perfect traveller leaves no trail to be followed;
The perfect speaker leaves no question to be answered;
The perfect accountant leaves no working to be completed;
The perfect container leaves no lock to be closed;
The perfect knot leaves no end to be ravelled.

The saucer met the cup,
The cup filled with water,
Water is quenching the thirst,
as its purpose of creation fulfilled  -
it is perfection in itself

So the sage nurtures all men
And abandons no one.
He accepts everything
And rejects nothing.
He attends to the smallest details.

For the strong must guide the weak;
The weak are raw material to the strong.
If the guide is not respected,
Or the material is not cared for,
Confusion will result, no matter how clever one is.

This is the secret of perfection:
When raw wood is carved, it becomes a tool;
When a man is employed, he becomes a tool;
The perfect container leaves no wood to be carved.

So perfection isn't in the measurement of something. It is in the fulfillment of the purpose of their existence. Because no matter how perfect the measurement of something or someone, if their natural purpose of their existence hasn't been met, they will never be perfect.

And alteration of pre-destiny is nothing else but to fulfill the purpose of our existence as human being, in which we are given the free-will by Allah. And it is an experience to testify the six pillars of imaan (faith) number six that is we believe in the predestination by Allah of all things and events (qadhaa) and Allah's decree (qadar).

Praise be to Allah who had guided us to this; and we would never have attained guidance if Allah had not guided us. [QS 7: 43]

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