Senin, 16 April 2012

Protocol of The Divine

One of the experience and reflection after traveling to Bangkok is related with protocol.

Anyone who has experienced or had in touch with the life of a royal blood certainly know how strict the protocol is in relation with their lives. I can easily said that from the day they were born into this world, their lives have been restricted with so many rules and guidelines of what are allowed and what are prohibited.
Meera Bai - the devotee of Khrisna

Some who couldn't cope with these protocols decided to flee and lived a so called 'norm life'. Some of those great people were Sidharta Gautama - a crown prince of Kapilavastu who later became a Budha, Meera Bai -a Rajput princess who later became a Hindu mystic, Ibrahim Adham a king of Balkh who later became a great sufi.
Seeing how this kingdom live up the protocol and thus validate their difference amongst common people, I can't help to think and reflect about the Protocol of the Divine. I mean if these royal family made up certain rules for common people that later differentiate themselves from the others, I can see the parable of it to Allah that has the attribute of The King of All Kings (al Malikal Mulk) also has made certain kind of protocol that later differentiate certain human being from their others. This is what I meant by the Protocol of The Divine.

You may wonder what kind of protocol would that be. Because I'm sure even though so many people have visited the grand palaces all over the world and see its grandness, not many people really care and look into detail about this and try to find a way to meet HIS requirement. They seem to be more interested in being part of worldly kingdom which of course I don't blame them, because it is more convenient, more tangible and closer to their mundane life here in this world. I can conclude this from looking at the interest people give to anything that is so called grand or royal bla bla bla. And I won't exempt myself from this remark :) At least in my witnessing, my heart see and learn something else.

Come and Follow My Rule

The Grand Palace the symbol of royal life
Before we entered the Grand Palace, we were filtered from the way we wear our clothes. Because the rule said that we should not wear certain clothes in entering the palace is a place which is honored by the people of Thailand in honoring their king. My sister who wear proper tourist clothes weren't allowed to enter, so they have to wear additional shirt and skirt to be able to enter the area. Even after that, as tourists we have to get entry tickets and can't go to certain restricted places. And definitely we can't meet the king directly or taking pictures with him in person.

Seeing this, I then reflected to the way of us as human being before entering the Palace of the Divine. People may argue that our heart is the Palace of the Divine and that God dwells in the heart of every human being. And because God is in the heart of every human beings, anyone should be able to meet Him for HE is Omniscient. The argument is true but also not true. True that God is Omniscient, not true that anyone can see or meet Him while living in this world, because if truly anyone can see Him, people will not act as they act now.
The Owner and the Keeper have and make their own rule
for the visitors 

So what is the Protocol of the Divine?
Some (and I certainly won't be able to tell you all) that I can conclude from His Words are related with Purity and Clarity. These requirement is compulsary to any humanbeing including the prophet. For even Prophet Musa (Moses) AS was instructed "O Moses, Indeed, I am your Lord, so remove your sandals. Indeed, you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa." [QS 20: 11-12]


Purity is in term of our spiritual as well as physical being. Purity in relation to our spiritual being is about our testimony that HE is indeed the Lord, the God, the Ruler of All that there is no partner to Him. It is why the first and fundamental rule of Islam (arabic means: submission) is Shahada means confession of faith. And purity in relation to our physical being is about our daily life to purify our physical being before entering HIS palace. And in islamic rule, we have a rule of purity called thaharah means purity. I won't talk in detail about this rule. You can see my point about this in reading this link
Water is provided as a means of purification
and water is the origin of our nature being

But I'd like to point out that Allah had made certain the way to purify before entering His palace is as mentioned in the Quran "O you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows and wipe over your heads and wash your feet to the ankles. And if you are in a state of janabah, then purify yourselves. But if you are ill or on a journey or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself or you have contacted women and do not find water, then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces and hands with it. Allah does not intend to make difficulty for you, but He intends to purify you and complete His favor upon you that you may be grateful." [QS 5:6]

Why it is so? Allah certainly had its own purpose as stated in His Words that above that He intends to purify you and complete His favor upon you that you may be grateful. About this, Imam Al Ghazali through his book 'Bidayatul Hidayah' the Beginning of Guidance had elaborated about each step of the purity called wudl.


And Clarity is in relation with both the mind and the heart. Clarity of the mind is to say that there is no doubt in their witness for they know with knowledge. It is why the fundamental requirement for those who enter his palace in worshiping Allah is knowledge. Clarity of the heart is related with the words of prophet Muhammad SAW about Ihsan 'that you're worshiping Allah as if you see HIM, if you cannot certain He is seeing you'.

Clarity is the possibility to see through
the mind and the heart
When the purity and the clarity are met, the rest of the rules that He set for us become easy to follow. Because purity and clarity is the sign of taqwa (righteous) following His words ' Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.' [QS 49:13] and "Those were the ones upon whom Allah bestowed favor from among the prophets of the descendants of Adam and of those We carried [in the ship] with Noah, and of the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and of those whom We guided and chose. When the verses of the Most Merciful were recited to them, they fell in prostration and weeping." [QS 19:58]

Rule of Worship

Outside the palace there is an open area called Sanam Luang which is also very beautiful and grand. There were so many people gathered there to enjoy its beauty and you can look around that area freely. But to enter the palace you have to buy the ticket.

As I entered the palace, there are several locations with different setting and scenery and purpose. Each has its uniqueness. To enter these places inside the palace and more of it is to meet the king, the common people cannot follow his own wishes. People can argue that Allah is Most Benevolent. It is true. I mean even the King of Rama prepared beautiful scenery of Sanam Luang for us to enjoy without having to buy the ticket. However, our common sense can certainly understand that in HIS benevolence, HE also has HIS own wishes for us to follow. And HIS wishes is not to serve HIS Interest but for the benefits of human being. For in HIS Sovereignty, HE has said 'And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have created, with [definite] preference.' [QS 17:70]

How boring yet important protocol is that the universe becomes in its order

So HE has set the 'protocols' of worshiping Him in the form of prayers (salat) , fasting (sawm), alms giving (zakat) and pilgrimage (hajj). Each has its different purposes but essentially to serve the noble purpose of bringing humankind to their highest quality. And to make them to become the 'royal family' of those who is in their Divine proximity to Allah amongst His messengers, the Truthful, the pious and the wtness. Again I'm not about to talk into detail about those ritual rules. Maybe in another topic. Insha Allah.

And following all the protocols that have been set up by HIM, I never read or heard those who have entered HIS palace ever wish to flee out. Because the reward of following HIS Protocol, The Protocol of The Divine is much much greater and beyond the imagination of human mind. It is very much suitable and exactly fitted with the default setting of human creation.

And that is my reflection after peeping into the life protocol of royal family.

All Praises belong to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

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