Kamis, 01 November 2012

(My) Brain Works

As I got my left brain fixed, I can't help myself to wonder what kind of functionality that the left brain have. This is to ensure that my conclusion on my physical body before is correct without having to go to the doctor and hear what the doctor have to say about my sickness. Because honestly up to now I haven't gone and see the doctor. My friend thought I should go and see the doctor, but since she knew me, she didn't insist and I know her concern is the way she said she cared for me and I thanked her for that. Not that I'm afraid to see the doctor, I try to avoid them just like I try to avoid any generic drugs unless it is very necessary. And the last time I went to doctor was to have dental check up.

Brain Traits

Anyway, back to the brain... Here's what I got from the internet about left and right brain:
Left Brain Traits http://suite101.com/article/left-brain-characteristics-a2604

Left brains are seen as "smarter" and tend to be
They do things in the "proper" order and feel there is a proper order.

They tend to do well in
speech and

These subject areas have "sequential rules" and they respond to this. Lefts also naturally evaluate what's wrong and why it won't work. They are sensitive to flaws of self and others almost to the point of not being able to accept a person because of their flaws. They tend to not see the whole person but the flaw(s). The world is linear to them. The left-brained person doesn't see the end result and needs to go through the steps, one-by-one and sees the big picture when all the little steps are completed.

Word Association
On a spelling test, the left hears the word "dog." They quickly write d-o-g and wait for the next word. Usually, without doodling or looking around the room. Focusing is usually not a problem.

And the characteristic of right brain is as the link given: 


Right brains are honored in eastern cultures more than western. They are seen as less smart because of the manner in which they process information. Rights don't go from Point A to Point B. Right brains don't like to listen to directions and don't like to read them. They scan quickly and figure out what to do without reading details. Reading directions carefully is a detailed activity for the left-brain.

How Rights Learn
Rights think and learn in visual, kinesthetic and audio images. They don't memorize well and need to visualize a picture so they can recall the facts. Abstract math is often not brain compatible. Their thoughts are frequently in code and they may have bizarre images in night dreams leaving them confused as to what they mean.

When right brains talk to you, they look at you while listening and look away to the left when answering a question. This is a brain shift from one side to another. This is not a sign of fabrication. They are listening with one side and now switch over for the response. They are not creating an answer in an attempt to deceive.

Word Association
On a spelling test, a right brain hears the word "dog." Their mind wanders to the thought of the neighbor's dog which barked most of the night, that reminds them of the fact that the neighbors are in the Bahamas, which takes them to an island with palm trees and sandy beaches, which reminds them that they need a bathing suit for this weekend, which reminds them that they will need to take spending money... Teacher says, "Word #7 is house." Student raises hand and asks what word #6 was. They've checked out for a while.

Rights Are Misunderstood
Right brains don't explain what they feel well and are misunderstood. They think of one thing, say another because their brain has already moved on to another thought. Unfortunately, their mouth is still moving. Rights often don't realize they have done so. The result is that they don't realize what they said and may even deny saying it or argue they said something else. Because they know what they "intended" to say, they are confused when individuals state otherwise.

See The Big Picture
Right brains don't like to jump through the hoops to get something done. They also don't like to follow rules which don't make sense to them. They see the big picture quickly and what you are asking them to do in steps doesn't seem necessary because they are at the end of the process already.
Right brains are non-judgmental and often have no opinion on many topics. They can see both sides and are often seen as wishy washy or lacking values. They see the whole person and are less likely to condemn a person because of a flaw. They often have an interesting group of friends.

My brain history

A Beautiful Mind movie
In the past I was a left brain person. Nothing that I saw or wanted to accept that wouldn't go through my left brain analysis. I remember calculus class students were only 7 students including myself and I did well in the class. I remembered when I knew that a vase could actually be formed through the integrated process of mathematics formula, every time I saw something my mind couldn't help trying to figure out what the formula of it and what would be the limit of its integer. That's why when I saw the film of A Beautiful Mind in which John Nash was 'seeing' formula in his early life, I could relate to his experience though I wasn't like him -paranoid schizophrenia in the way I behaved . †ђąηk ўσυ God, so far I have never had a mental disorder.

As I learned Self Knowledge and Sufism, something else happened. I was introduced to the work of my right brain. Through the teaching I learn to pacify my 'turmoil' mind and let my heart (intuition) took over. The music made by other students enriched me too. The poems that comes from the heart amongst those who had awakened found its true meaning and also awakened my inner being and I too learned to express my feeling in my own way.

And as I can start see things differently I relate myself to nature and universe more. Things that I used to consider as something outside myself, I now try to see them as part of me, just like I am part of the universe. Like last week, when I was having a fever I didn't know how but I was reminded to my ylang ylang plant that few days before I had moved to ground back in the mountain in my hometown. Ylang ylang is a lowland plant while my hometown is in highland. So at that time, my plant was adapting to the cooler weather. And to be able to do that, it has to 'increase' its body temperature and I felt that my body was radiating heat while I was here in Bali last week. Does this make sense? I know this is an out-of-mind idea. But it was the thought that I had and definitely not from my left brain work.

I remember there was a time when I couldn't comprehend the practice that I saw done by the other students. Yet, my heart also knew there should be some explanation to the practice that I haven't understood. So I tried to ignore my left brain remark while my right brain tried to seek understanding. It was only when I read the biography of Master Wang Liping - the Taoist Master of Dragon Gate School of Sect that my left brain gave in and since then the left brain agree to the right brain works.

Have we ever thought that by using right brain
we can generate 'electricity' to lighten up our life
and to some extend other
Do you know what is the explanation that conquered my left brain on the issue of practicing sufism? It was an explanation about the existence of three level of vehicles. The first level which happen to common people related with event, people and things. This is like what is written in newspaper everyday. The second level which happen to the one who have practice the higher consciousness is related with heaven, earth and humanity. Here is where the understanding in seeing what happen to people isn't always as it seemed. Something else that represent humanity in the whole is there, the balance of heaven and earth. And the third level of vehicle is universe, Time and energy. Here, Time is no longer the time as we see by the clock. It's the big T of time where the one who have done and refined their inner work have the ability to know about something that will happen before it happen for the message is already written in the 'universe'. Not only that they possess something that common people called as 'extra ordinary' not in term of physical ability.

This explanation was easily understood by my left brain because it had liked physics very much. For her the difference level of understanding is as simple of understanding basic physics of Newton Law on motion and then go the next one of principle of electrical current and the latest one is the nuclear / quantum physics where the particles getting smaller yet the energy produced getting a lot bigger than the former.

Walking with Time

So here I'm having both left and right brain working - well the left one now in a way is under repair hehehe..... I use my left brain more when dealing with problem at works and use my right brain more when dealing with my personal life. In that way of working I let myself to live in the uncertainty of what the future may bring but only letting myself to enjoy the moment that comes as today.

In tranquility,
Time become friend
not enemy not even a shadow  
Having both sides of brain function is a miracle in itself. The only possibility is to use them both according to situation, so that I can live normally. I've seen and read in the past how people have tendency to use only one side of them and it caused their life to be imbalance and they suffered because of it. I mean The Creator has created us in perfect balance and certainly each has its own purpose as science already prove it. It is our ignorance that has been the cause of our suffering.

And as the right one is now more in use, I know as I have experienced in the past, I may have a vision on what may happen to me. I would take that as a guidance from the Divine and accept whatever that has been written for me to happen hopefully with patience and gratitude.

It's like walking with Time. If we already understand what Time really is, then we will never be afraid of it. We will never run out of time or having time wasted or try to manage time. We will make Time as our friend. We will synchronize our 'time' to the Time we have so we can walk together as friend not as an enemy, not as a shadow.

There is a lesson from RMP Sosrokartono about the virtue in walking with Time. He said:
Ikhlas marang apa sing wes kelakon - Be content on what has happened
Trimah apa kang dilakoni - Accept on what is happening
Pasrah marang apa kang bakal ana - Yield to what may happen
The three principle is essentially the living experience of 'Iyyaka na'budu wa Iyyaka nastain' - to You I worship and to You I ask for help.
Having both my left and right brain conquer to the greater cause, with the right attitude as taught above I believe my walking with Time will be very pleasing and interesting. Insha Allah.

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